Our community of supporters makes ArtAround possible. Without your donations and sponsorships, the small space we take up on the internet would be lost forever.
And for ArtAround to well and truly exist as an archive, what matters most is longevity—which is always difficult when involving technology, but something that can be made possible through sustainability.
The Anchor Club ⚓
The Anchor Club sustains us. If you’re willing to donate monthly to ArtAround—in any amount—the consistency of that commitment exists at the very core of our community art project because it actively enables us to exist. The special individuals who make up the Anchor Club believe in the power of art embedded within the fabric of communities.
Give a recurring monthly donation in any amount through our Fractured Atlas page to join, and we’ll send you a limited edition arrow pin that solidifies your status as an Anchor Club member 😉
Anchor Club Members
If recurring donations aren’t doable, there are still a ton of ways to contribute. Make a one-time donation, or donate your photos to the map by becoming an Ambassador and uploading with a custom tag. Tell your friends who you think might be into a project like ours about us.
And following us on social media never hurts! Find us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Organizations interested in financially supporting ArtAround select from a series of sponsorship levels designed to create direct and immediate impact on the public reach of the art in your local community.
Our sponsors currently include:
Pratt Institute
funded the archivization of the Pratt Brooklyn Sculpture Garden